Sport Stable Coaches Private Lessons Policy
To submit your request to have more students on the Skill Pad for a session, please read our "Coaches Private Lessons Policy" (below) and then click on the coaches committee email icon. The form allows you to describe what you want to do including times, dates, ages, how many people on the ice, etc.
Approval or Denial will be given within 24 hours.
Private Lesson Policy at the Sport Stable
General Guidelines:
There is a maximum of four students per coach in any private lesson (including all stick & pucks as well as all private skill pad rentals).
No Outside pucks are to be brought in for lessons. The Sport Stable will provide pucks.
There is no shooting allowed against the side glass. If the side glass is broken as a result of improper net placement or encouraging students to shoot on the side glass, the offending coach will be charged a $400 replacement fee to replace the glass.
The Sport Stable Management reserves the right, in our absolute discretion, to remove any coach from the ice that doesn’t work well with the other coaches on the ice or follow our guidelines.
Please check in for ALL sessions – whether it is a private rental or lessons during stick and puck.
Stick & Puck Sessions:
A maximum of three coaches will be allowed in any one stick and puck session.
The three coaches are required to share one end of the ice “blue line in” in order to leave the remaining area for our other customers not taking lessons.
All coaches and players must register for the stick and puck to ensure there is enough space in the event. All players must pre-pay online prior to the session starting.
All BHC, RoughRider, Lady RoughRider and Learn to Skate/Play coaches on the coaching list must register online prior to the event but, do not have to pay for any Stick & Puck’s in which they are giving lessons.
Outside coaches are eligible to give lessons during Stick & Puck sessions but, they must pay the Stick & Puck fee as well as follow all our rules.
The maximum charge you can charge any group for lessons (1 to 4) is $120.
1 Person - $120
2 People - $60 / Person
3 People - $40 / Person
4 People - $30 / Person
Stick & Puck Sessions (Lessons Only):
We are creating a new category of Stick & Pucks that will only be open to coaches giving lessons.
All the rules listed above still apply but, this session will be open to six coaches per session.
Skill Pad:
Coaches can rent the skill pad to conduct private lessons.
There is a maximum of four students allowed on the ice during these private skill pad rentals unless prior approval is given by our coaching committee.
To submit your request to have more students on the Skill Pad for a session, click HERE and describe what you want to do including times, dates, ages, how many people on the ice, etc.
Approval or Denial will be given within 24 hours.
The coach can charge whatever fee they feel is fair for private lessons on the skill pad.
The intent of this program is not to compete with the various camps we are offering. Certain times may not be available for private rentals if the age group or lesson concept competes with a camp we are offering at the same day/time.
All BHC, RoughRider, Lady RoughRider and Learn to Skate/Play approved coaches on the coaching list will pay the following rates for an hour of ice on the skill pad:
One Rental per Week - $100
3 Rentals per Week - $90
5+ Rentals per Week - $80
All rentals must be booked at the same time in order to establish the rate you will be paying (No retroactive discounts will be given if you add more sessions after your original booking).
Outside coaches may rent the skill pad but, they will pay our regular rental rate of $142.50 per hour.
If you have any questions regarding this new policy, please contact Jimmy Dexter by clicking HERE or at 303-956-5551.
Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions.